Monday, June 24, 2013

Summer 2013;; Bucketlist

Well, unfortunately, summer is like half gone already and I've pretty much spent all of it in a box that is the factory I work in... extremely depressing. But there is so much I still want to do and already have planned! I'll explain:

  • Tennessee- This was actually kind of a last minute thought (we planned it like two weeks before we were gonna go) that we should take a trip down to Tennessee over shut down (we get the first week of july off). Originally, we were planning it to go visit my mom in here new house but turned out she isnt even gonna be down there that weekend. But I took it upon myself to book us a lodge room at Wilderness at the Smokies which has an indoor and outdoor waterpark and invite three of my friends and my roommate. So the 5 of us leave Friday morning for Tennessee! I'm so excited. This vacation is muchhhhh needed.
  • Country Concert- July 11, 12, and 13th! So stoked :)
  • Cedar Point- My dad got me a season pass for christmas so I'll definitely be using that a ton here soon hopefully.
  • Rock Fest- Wisconsin. July 17, 18, 19, and 20th. 4 days of the most amazing bands around. I'm so excited. Plus it might be my first time flying. 
  • Swimming- Hopefully gonna start heading up to the pool here in town and getting some swimming and tanning in
  • Birthday- I want to do something epic for my 19th birthday since its on a friday night this year so I can take the weekend off and get crazy (: 
  • Zoo- Umm I'm definitely going to the zoo at some point this summer. Just has to happen. 
Thats just a little bit of my summer to come. I only have til August 21st to enjoy all my free time and the summer sun so I'm gonna try to make it count. I'll be sure to have posts and pictures up for you all as the summer goes on so you can sit on your computers and be jealous ;) just kidding but I will keep you in the know. :)

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