Sunday, June 16, 2013

Long Time No See;; I'm Backkkkk!

Miss me?!

I swear I'm back for good! I've been major busy (actually that's probably a major understatement) and without internet but I've been missing this blog like no other and I swear I'm not leaving again (:

Catch up time!

  • Still working the factory life. Working like 60-80 hours a week which is 12 hour nights (7pm-7am) seven days a weeks. So much fun. Not. Seeing the same people in the same box gets pretty old. But the paychecks are pretty nice ;)
  • New tattoo! So excited to post about this :)
  • Gunner is so big now and now he lives with my dad and his family in Upper Sandusky. Post coming.
  • I moved! Now residing in Delphos, closer to work with some pretty awesome people :)
  • Its summerrrrrrrr! Got a Bucketlist for the next month all started :)
  • Fall semester is scheduled. Back at it as of August 21st.
  • Mom's family is all moved to Tennessee.. Definitely missing them already.
  • Just booked the hotel for my vacation over July Shutdown at work. Tennessee here we come!
Life has just been crazy lately but I wouldn't want anything less. I love the ride and I couldn't be happier :) 

Stay connected 'cause I have at least 4 or 5 new post for y'all within the next couple days. Lots of inspiration and so little time :)

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