Friday, December 21, 2018

Dakota Lynne - 18 Months

Unfortunately due to all the craziness, I obviously missed sharing a lot of monthly updates with Kota but here is the up to date news on Kota or Squish. Whichever you prefer.

  • We babble and say a variety of words - blankie, night-night, buh-bye, DeeDee (referring to Diesel), Dad, baby, puppy (EVERYTHING is a puppy...), Hi, NaNa, etc
  • Our favorite movie is Shrek - literally only movie she will watch
  • We can apparently take our pants off - just happened as I'm typing this
  • We can climb out of our crib and refuse to stay in it
  • Diesel is her partner in crime - legit he knocks down the baby gates for her and she feeds him food off her tray
  • We love going buh-bye but don't like being in the car too long
  • We LOVE our little sister (but still a little too rough
  • We know where our belly and our toes are
  • Our favorite foods are hotdogs and mac and cheese
  • Favorite toys are a basketball and empty boxes
  • Our eye teeth are almost in and we will have all of our teeth (except 2 year molars)
  • She's about 27 pounds, 18-24 month clothes, size 5 diapers, still just tall and lanky like her dad
Overall, she's a sassy little handful but I love my little mini. So enjoy some pictures of Squish 😍☺️

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