Thanks to society, it is extremely common to mom shame. This goes for every decision and every move you make in motherhood. Someone out there is always "doing it better" or "doing it the right way". So here are the reasons I am just a horrible mom😉
- I'm a bad mom because I do not co-sleep with my children
- I'm a bad mom because I breastfed rather than formula until they were each 7 months old
- I'm a bad mom because I didn't breastfeed until they were a year old
- I'm a bad mom because I believe in spanking my children
- I'm a bad mom because I don't believe in introducing religion to my children until they can choose for themselves
- I'm a bad mom because my children don't wear coats in their carseats
- I'm a bad mom because I vaccinate my children
- I'm a bad mom because Kota is forward facing before she is 2
- I'm a bad mom because I gave my children gripe water as babies (funny story behind this one)
- I'm a bad mom because I don't hold my children all the time
- I'm a bad mom because I don't get flu shots for my children
- I'm a bad mom because I believe in letting my children cry it out if need be
- I'm a bad mom because we shut Kota's door when she's sleeping
- I'm a bad mom because my children are growing up with Pitbulls
- I'm a bad mom because Kota has a tablet and watches TV
- I'm a bad mom because my children have always slept with blankets
- I'm a bad mom because I have always mixed their formula with tap water
- I'm a bad mom because I used to never water down Kota's juice cups
- I'm a bad mom because my daughter showers with her father
I'm sure there are many more reasons I'm a bad mom and I know I'm not the only one. I stand behind my choices and how I choose to parent my children and that's fine by me.
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